Working with women is vital to tackling hunger and poverty

IMG 2744

We know that there can be no such thing as sustainable development without the voices of women and girls.

The new Sustainable Development Goals recognise the importance of achieving gender equality if we are to reduce poverty. Attempts to meet the needs of women and girls through development programmes have led to improvements in recent years; laws to protect women’s rights have been enacted in many countries, more girls go to school and female life expectancy has increased for example.

But the reality is that gender inequality is still alive and well. Across the world billions of women and girls still face discrimination, poverty and violence just because of their gender.


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Promoting equality for tribal people in Nepal

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Two members of our team, Hannah and Sherona, recently visited Nepal to meet some of the families that we work with. On meeting a local women’s group in Baijapur, they asked if any of the women would be happy to share their story, to take back to Find Your Feet’s supporters in the UK. Mina’s hand shot straight up.

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A story of change

Find Your Feet is helping pregnant women in India to demand their right to essential medical care. Beronika lives in an extremely poor and remote village in Jharkhand, India, where healthcare is very limited. When she found out she was pregnant, she knew that both the pregnancy and the birth could be dangerous, and she faced months of uncertainty and worry.

Find Your Feet started working in Beronika's village in 2014, engaging local people and providing them with information on the government services available to them. Beronika had been unaware that she was entitled to free medical care from the government. Thanks to Find Your Feet she had the opportunity to acccess the care she needed, and in the summer of this year she gave birth, in a hospital, to a healthy baby girl named Meenu.

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Fish, bananas, and sugar cane

You may not think fish, bananas and sugar cane go together but for a small group of family farmers in Malawi it’s the perfect mix. By joining together and making creative use of the natural resources around them, these farmers are preventing hunger and boosting their families’ income. Find out more about their solution.

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Fight poverty and exploitation

Each day thousands of brick kiln workers in India are exploited at work. They face back breaking labour in dangerous, dirty conditions with low wages that leave whole families in poverty. Find Your Feet has just finished a four year project and now the Brick Kiln workers need your support – find out how you can free them from poverty and exploitation.

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International Women's Day

International Women's Day is celebrated on Sunday 8th March and provides the opportunity to call for change and celebrate acts of courage and determination by women, like Najibunisa from India, who have played an extraordinary role in bringing change to their community. Find out how the women in our projects will be marking the occasion.

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Curry for Change in 2014

For the last three years we have been building our our annual fundraising campaign, and thanks to everyone's support in 2014, this year was a huge success - and importantly, we made a huge difference to change the lives of families who suffer from hunger. Find out how.

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Seeing change, thank you!

Jessica from our UK team visited India in November and would like to share news from Jamal pur village in Uttar Pradesh to help show the impact your support has had this year, and to pass on a special Thank You message!

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World AIDS Day 2014

Monday 1st December is World AIDS Day. In the villages where we work the majority of people suffer from chronic hunger, but the hardships they face are made worse when they also have to cope with HIV and AIDS. Access to enough food and a nutritious diet becomes vital. See how Nellie from Malawi is helping her community to tackle these challenges.

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World Food Day 2014

On the 16th October every year, World Food Day helps puts poverty and hunger in the spotlight. Tonight, one in eight people will go to bed hungry tonight. In 2014, it shouldn't have to be this way. See how your support can help change the lives of families who suffer from hunger. 

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