Curry for Change is here!

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Make a change, eat curry!

Get involved in our annual Curry for Change campaign and you can join forces with top chefs, home cooks and curry enthusiasts around the UK to change the lives of families who suffer from hunger

With the support of our campaign ambassadors such as Atul Kochhar, Vivek Singh, Cyrus Todiwala, Nina Wadia, Dhuv Baker and Anjali Pathak, 10 restaurants around London have created special dishes and menus, and are offering their customers the chance to donate with their bill to help raise money through the UK's love of curry. By visiting these top Indian restaurants throughout June you can help ensure that less fortunate families have an evening meal.

For those who are more kitchen-savvy, why not host a Curry for Change evening for friends and family? Simply sign up for a Curry for Change event pack and receive everything you need to host a spicy night in. The kit includes exclusive recipes from the campaign ambassadors and you will receive a FREE pack of Natco spices. Your guests then donate what they'd usually spend on a takeaway, which will help to change the lives of families who suffer from hunger.

What's more, by signing up for the kit and hosting a curry evening by 31st October,you will be automatically entered into a competition to win a master class with Michelin starred Chef Atul Kochhar at his Mayfair restaurant. Our campaign partner, Natco Foods, are also matching every penny raised this year, so take part this year and you can make double the difference.

So get behind our Curry for Change campaign and help change lives today!

For full details and to get involved, visit our campaign website 


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